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Email marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses. Here, we look at why it is not dead, including its ability to build relationships, drive revenue, and retain customers in a challenging digital environment.

Despite the common trope that email marketing is dead, it remains one of the most effective ways to reach and engage audiences. With high open rates and the ability to deliver personalised, targeted messages, email continues to drive significant results for businesses.

Email marketing is not just surviving; it’s thriving, offering a direct and personal way to communicate with your audience.

Benefits Of Email Marketing

The benefits of email marketing are that it is

  • An asset you can control
  • Perfect for building trust and relationships
  • Offers higher engagement rates compared to social media
  • Able to send personalised and targeted communication
  • Great for generating revenue
  • Tool for retaining customers

An Asset You Can Control

The weakness of many digital marketing assets is that you do not have control over them. Social media, for example, puts you at the whim of the platform, which may arbitrarily ban or restrict you with little warning or accountability.

On the contrary, email marketing is a channel you own, giving you complete control over your messaging and audience.

Unlike social media platforms, where algorithms dictate reach and visibility, an email list is an asset you can own and control.

This control ensures your messages are delivered directly to your audience without third-party interference.

Perfect for Building Trust and Relationships

Regular email communication helps build trust and strengthen customer relationships.

Consistent, relevant emails keep your brand in mind and encourage repeat business.

Emails allow you to share your story, showcase your values, and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Higher Engagement Rates Compared To Social Media

Email marketing often outperforms social media in terms of engagement.

Social media engagement rates are typically very low (1 – 2%), whereas email open rates range between 20-40%. This higher level of engagement means your audience is more likely to see and act on your message than the post and hope of your organic social media.

Able To Send Personalised and Targeted Communication

Email marketing allows you to segment your audience by their demographics, buying behaviour or position within your sales cycle. 

You can increase relevance and engagement by tailoring messages based on customer behaviour and preferences.

Segmented emails deliver the right message to the right person at the right time, boosting open rates and conversions.

Great for generating revenue

Email marketing is a powerful tool for driving revenue.

Targeted email campaigns can generate significant sales through personalised offers, reminders, and updates.

Whether it’s a seasonal promotion or a product recommendation, emails can effectively guide your audience through the sales funnel and encourage purchases.

Customer Retention

Consistent email communication helps maintain visibility and keeps your brand at the forefront of your mind.

Regular contact encourages repeat business, increasing your customers’ lifetime value. You can nurture relationships and foster loyalty by staying in touch with your audience.

A good example would be a garage sending an email reminder when your MOT is due.